*111-2大學部延肄生學期間畢業證書領取作業流程及數位學位證書申請核發作業111-2 semester Graduation Certificate issuance and Digital Certificate of Degree application for Deferral students
一、 受理對象為大學部延肄生已修足畢業學分數,學期間通過本校認定之英文能力鑑定考試或取得相關證明而獲准畢業之延肄生。
二、 本校於111學年度加入教育部「全國大專院校數位證書建置計畫」,本學年起畢業生完成離校,領取中文紙本證書7個工作日內,課務與註冊組EMAIL核發數位學位證書至畢業生EMAIL信箱,請學生務必確認信箱為正確有效位址。
三、 離校手續:
      (一) 持英語鑑定考試通過證明至語言中心登記或取得相關證明文件至課註組辦理,並從畢業資格系統網站上完成操行成績之申請。
      (二) 於畢業生網站查詢離校審核狀態,填寫「大學部非1月、6月畢業生離校手續單」(如附件)。
      (三) 每月20日前辦妥離校手續且將手續單交至課務與註冊組者,得於當月30日起,每週三下午2時至4時到維澈樓408室領取畢業證書。
四、 退費作業:
      (一) 延肄期間無修課者,攜帶離校手續單及畢業證書,至維澈樓604室會計室申請退費。
      (二) 本校學雜費及學分費繳費辦法第二條第三款第三目規定:「101學年度(含)之後入學大學部學生已修畢學系應修課程,惟尚未通過本校認定之英文能力鑑定考試者,於延肄期間無修課者,仍應註冊並繳交相當於二學分費之雜費;學期中持鑑定考試通過證               明領取畢業證書,未修課者於開始上課日之前一日得申請全額退費;於上課日之後,而未逾學期三分之一得申請三分之二退費,於上課日之後逾學期三分之一,而未逾學期三分之二得申請三分之一退費;於上課日之後逾學期三分之二不得辦理退費。」
111-2 semester Graduation Certificate issuance and Digital Certificate of Degree application for Deferral students
I. For deferral students who have completed the total number of credits required for graduation, yet failed the required English Proficiency Test or got the relevant certificate and be allowed to graduate.
II. CYCU joined the Ministry of Education's "National Colleges and Universities Digital Certificate Construction Project" in 111 academic years. From the 2022-2023 Academic Year, the Curriculum & Registration Division will send the DCD to graduates’ email after receiving the hardcopy diploma within 7 working days. Students must be sure to provide an active personal e-mail account when revising their mailbox.
III. School-leaving procedure
A. Students should hand in the required English Proficiency Test to Language Center or get the relevant certificate documents and submit it to the Curriculum and Registration Division. And then complete the application for the Conduct score from the "Graduation Qualification System."
B. Students should check the status of the school-leaving procedures online and complete the sheet of "Chung Yuan Christian University Graduation Clearance Form for Undergraduates (non-Jan. or non-Jun. graduates)." (as attached)
C. Those who complete the school leaving procedures and submit the form of "Chung Yuan Christian University Graduation Clearance Form for Undergraduates (non-Jan. or non-Jun. graduates) " to the Curriculum and Registration Division before the 20th of each month. From the 30th of the current month, students can receive their diplomas in Room 408, Dickson Lee Hall, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm every Wednesday.
IV. Refund process
A. Those who do not take courses during the deferral of graduation should bring the school leaving procedure form and graduation certificate to the Accounting Office in Room 604, Dickson Lee Hall, to apply for a refund.
B. According to "CYCU Regulations of Tuition and Credit Fees" Article 2, Subparagraph 3, Item 3:「Students who enrolled after 2012 (2012 included) and finished all the courses needed but haven’t passed CYCU’s the required English Proficiency Test if they do not enroll in any courses they still have to register and pay a credit fee that is equal to two credits. Those who got the English Proficiency certification before the new semester started can apply for a full refund. Those that got the certification before one-third of the semester can apply for a two-thirds refund of the fees. Those that got the certification between one-third and two-thirds of the semester can apply for one-third of the refund. Those who got the certification after two-thirds of the semester cannot apply for a refund.」