(疫情影響延至110學年度辦理)【藝術中心】圍繞IIˍ紡織藝術─曾嬿圩個展 Revolve Around II _ Textile Art – Solo Exhibition by Yen-Yu TSENG




* 學生通識認證事項:









Revolve Around II _ Textile Art – Solo Exhibition by Yen-Yu TSENG


According to the Chinese dictionary, Revolve is defined as a curved movement with a fixed central point, and Around means to surround or bundle and is also a unit of textile measurement. REVOLVE AROUND presents a workplace scenario, especially the gesture of the artist's hands. It is a unique method of artistic expression that connects textile art with sculpture. The works are old garments of different textures wrapped with thin sewing threads to create three-dimensional shapes of people and rings. The emotional ambience that the shapes create implicate the interrelationship between human society and the natural environment.

Yen-Yu TSENG creates artworks from old clothes or textile waste. They stem from a spontaneous and casual practice of deconstruction and recoordination. She adopts the intuitive approach, experimenting with shape and form to give new life to old goods. Its history tell collective and individual stories.  Fabrics blend and take on organic shapes through wrapping, folding, twisting, rolling or sewing. The artist creates expressive and amorphous art, combining space and light. According to the space and the light in site-situ, an art installation is a proper way for the exhibition.


展覽日期  Duration



茶會  Reception



開放時間  Open Hours

週一至週五  Mon. - Fri.  10:00-17:00

週六  Sat.  13:00-17:00

週日及端午節休館  Closed on Sundays and June 14

*免費自由參觀  Free and Welcome


創作體驗工作坊  Workshop

時間 Time:(疫情影響延至110學年度辦理)

地點 Venue:中原大學藝術中心CYCU Art Center

內容 Content:學員攜帶兩件舊衣服作為材料,製作個人裝飾的頸環Participants should bring two used clothes as materials to make a giant necklace.

費用 Fee:材料費100元NT. 100

報名 Sign up:https://itouch.cycu.edu.tw/go/?w=7241@acpm3(上限15人Maximum 15 people)


展覽地點  Venue

藝術中心(全人教育村北棟一樓/ 沐樂展覽廳)

Art Center (1F, Muller Exhibition Hall / Holistic Education Village)


材料贊助  Material Support


Artist’s family members, 3D Printer and Design Lab of Industrial Technology Research Institute  in Hsinchu, Mark Rothko Art Centre in Latvia, Wellspring by Silks in Yilan, Lìzé Puppet Art Colony in Yilan