(!好評延展至01/25!)【藝術中心】盛世壁藏~唐代壁畫文化特展‧首部曲 The Treasures of Prosperity— Murals of Tang Dynasty







唐代(618-907 C.E.)是中國歷史上引以為傲的盛世,也是古代壁畫藝術發展的鼎盛時期。都城長安成為世界的中心,吸引了大批的外國使節、僧侶與商人的到來。多元文化的交融發展,使得唐代開展出雍容華麗的氣度與繁華昌盛的大國氣派。雖歲月飛逝,朝代更迭,在歷經千年之後,大唐盛世仍可透過豐富壁畫藝術,讓現代人得以從中一窺當時的繁榮景象與時代特徵。



The Treasures of Prosperity— Murals of Tang Dynasty

The Treasures of Prosperity – Murals of Tang Dynastyis the first cultural exhibition to feature mural paintings from Chang’an during the Tang Dynasty. The ancient wall art are presented in videos, 3D models and replicas to unveil the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

During the Tang Dynasty, a golden age and one of the most prosperous periods in Chinese history, mural painting developed dramatically. The Tang capital city of Chang’an was a multicultural metropolis filled with foreign diplomats, dignitaries, monks and merchants, making the Tang Dynasty an era of unrivalled wealth, prosperity and luxury. Even after the fall of the Tang Dynasty, its prosperity still lives in mural art, which captures the ambience of the flourishing period and give modern society a look into the brilliance of the golden era.

The Treasures of Prosperity – Murals of Tang Dynastyexplores women’s fashion and men’s leisure activities of the imperial dynasty and recreates the tomb structure and mural making process. It provides an insight into a splendid time celebrated for its wealth of culture and art as well as the open-mindedness of people of the day. The exhibition also brings to light the importance of the discovery and protection of cultural relics.



展覽日期 Duration

2020 / 12 / 07 – 2021 / 01 / 16(原預計延展至 01/28;因疫情升溫,將於01/25提前結束)


茶會 Reception

2020 / 12 / 08  12:00-13:00


開放時間 Open Hours

週一至週五  Mon. – Fri.  10:00-17:00

週六  Sat.  13:00-17:00

週日、12/24、2021/01/01休館  Closed on Sundays, Dec. 24 and Jan. 1


展覽地點  Venue

藝術中心(全人教育村北棟一、二樓/ 沐樂展覽廳)

Art Center (Muller Exhibition Hall / Holistic Education Village)


專題講座  Lecture (本場活動採線上直播會議方式進行)

時間 Time:2020 / 12 / 15 Tue. 10:30-12:00

地點 Location:祐生建築館307教室  Room 307, Yu Sheng Hall (*講座地點改為祐生建築館B1)

講者 Speaker:楊文宗 教授(陝西歷史博物館研究館員) Prof. Wenzong YANG, Researcher of Shaanxi History Museum

講題 Topic:古代壁畫的保護技術  The Protection of Murals


主辦單位 Organizer

中國宋慶齡基金會  China Soong Ching Ling Foundation、

陝西省文物交流協會  Shaanxi Cultural Heritage Promotion Association、

社團法人中華翰維文化推廣協會  Han-Wei Cultural Association


協辦單位 Co-organizer

陝西歷史博物館(陝西省文物交流中心) Shannxi History Museum (Shaanxi Cultural Heritage Promotion Center)


合作單位 Co-Organizer

國立臺灣師範大學  National Taiwan Normal University、

國立中興大學  National Chung Hsing University、

中原大學  Chung Yuan Christian University


承辦單位 Implemented by

翰雅文化顧問有限公司  Han-Ya Cultural Development Consulting Firm