(通識認證 09/14-10/24)【藝術中心】「全視-詮釋」創作聯展 From Illustration to Interpretation









From Illustration to Interpretation


        What you see isn’t always what you get. As a viewer, what you see on canvas are artists’ life stories but what you get is your personal perspective of the piece.

A space engages in all five senses. You see, you perceive and then you use your imagine. Artists express their ideas and feelings in art mediums to create works of art, waiting for people to appreciate. How the audience perceives the art with their senses are projected to the mind and the two-dimensional space is then transformed into a four-dimensional experience. A three-dimensional space presents concrete patterns and time presents the life experience of the audience. These illustrations reflect the artist’s expectations and form a connection with the audience.

From Illustration to Interpretation presents a collection by artists of all ages who translate their artistic experiences into art, such as their imaginations of different timeframes, scenarios, imagery, culture and Taiwanese idioms. The collection includes two-dimensional and three-dimensional works that explore the artists’ personal interpretations of space. Two-dimensional art are presented in lines on white background, while three-dimensional ones use linear materials, layering techniques and unique elements. When perceived from a certain perspective, the works become a specific space, which is the theme of this exhibition: spatial interpretation.


展出者  Artists

謝沂叡  Yi-Jui HSIEH

陳  庭  Ting CHEN

梅丹妮 Danni MEI

王珮羽  Pei-Yu WANG

曾明駿  Ming-Chun TSENG

駱靜雯 Jing-Wen LUO

王重丹 Chung-Tan WANG

高巧穎 Chiao-Ying GAO

姚  瑤 Yao YAO

蔡琇淇 Hsiu-Chi TSAI

謝文哲  Wen-Zhe HSIEH

翁林寶 Lin-Pao WONG

陳歷渝  Li-Yu CHEN


展覽日期  Duration

2020 / 09 / 14 – 10 / 24


茶會  Reception

2020 / 09 / 24 Thu. 12:10pm


開放時間  Open Hours

週一至週五Mon. – Fri.  10am-5pm

週六Sat.  1pm-5pm

週日、中秋及雙十連假休館  Closed on Oct. 1-3, Oct. 9-10, and Sundays


展覽地點  Venue

藝術中心(全人教育村北棟一樓/ 沐樂展覽廳)

Art Center (1F, Muller Exhibition Hall / Holistic Education Village)