(通識認證04/11-06/24)【藝術中心_視覺藝術展覽】生活三十六景 ─ 畢晴個展 The Place We Live – Solo Exhibition by Ching PI
2022-04-11 10:00:00.0
2022-06-24 17:00:00.0
藝術中心 Art Center
藝術中心 Art Center
畢晴 Ching PI
免費自由參觀 Free and Welcome


生活三十六景─ 畢晴個展






The Place We Live – Solo Exhibition by Ching PI


Before the pandemic hit, people would profusely show their curiosity and thirst for exploration, only to have the moment vanish at the shutter of the camera. Now, the pandemic put a “pause” on our life, granting us the chance to slow down, refocus and rediscover life and every fleeting moment. That is exactly what inspired Ching PI to create The Place We Live.

We are currently all facing the chaos and uncertainty in the post-pandemic era. But the pandemic also provided society a new perspective on life. People are beginning to focus on the “now,” the present; climbing mountains, connecting with the oceans, taking a walk in the woods to open their senses and listen to what nature has to say. English painter, draftsman, printmaker, stage designer, and photographer David Hockney once said, “Drawing makes you see things clearer, and clearer and clearer still, until your eyes ache.” The trees, grass, stones, clouds in the sky and the air all have their own life cycle, growing, moving and interconnecting at their own pace to form a fascinating scenery.

The Place We Livesymbolizes the beginning of a plan and expectations towards the observation and creativity of life. Rather than search for popular attractions and spots, Ching PIincorporated life into her creations by making the sceneries she sees and comes across on her hikes or the riverside park her artistic inspirations. Humble and honest in nature, she sees each scenery for its truest self and sees the world and herself clearly, with clarity. Her pastels and colored pencils are her luggage and travel companions; she brings them along with her on her expeditions, capturing every little moment that pass in the blink of an eye.


展覽日期 Duration

2022 / 04 / 11 – 05 / 14(延展至6月24日)


茶會 Opening Ceremony

2022 / 04 / 27 Wed. 12:10(*因疫情,避免群聚風險取消辦理)


開放時間 Open Hours

週一至週五 Mon. - Fri.  10:00-17:00

週六 Sat.  13:00-17:00(*4/19起週六暫停開館)

週日休館  Closed on Sundays

*免費自由參觀 Free and Welcome


展覽地點 Venue

藝術中心(全人教育村北棟一樓/ 沐樂展覽廳)

Art Center (1F, Muller Exhibition Hall / Holistic Education Village)